Monday, February 25, 2008

Good News (Kindle)/Bad News (LCC)

Well, this is a double-barreled news post with a good news/bad news format.

First, the good news:
Starting March 5, Poisoned Pen Press is releasing a number of older titles on the Kindle, amongst them...
Silver Lies!
Of course, Silver Lies will also continue to be available in trade paperback.

Now, the bad news:
Due to several family emergencies (yes, that's plural... when it rains, oh boy, it pours ...), I've had to cancel my attendance at Left Coast Crime. Which is in Denver. I haven't missed an LCC in years, and yes, the irony has not escaped me.
Wishing all who attend a great conference and please give the Rockies (the mountains, that is) a wave for me.