Thursday, December 6, 2007

In L.A. on Sunday ... A Rodeo of Writers

On Sunday, December 9, I'll be at the Gene Autry National Center as part of their Rodeo of Writers event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Consider it a little cross-genre experiment ... and I'm really not too far afield here. After all, Silver Lies was a finalist for the Spur Award, way back when, and it also won a Willa Literary Award in 2004 from Women Writing the West. Plus, Wes Lukowsky of Booklist called Iron Ties "a well-crafted novel that will appeal to readers of mysteries, historical fiction, and genre westerns." So yee-haw, heigh-ho Silver, and away to L.A. I go.

I'll be sitting at a table with my friend Laurie Powers, who wrote/edited a heckuva nonfiction/memoir-style book--Pulp Writer: Twenty Years on Grub Street. The book concerns her search for information about her grandfather Paul S. Powers, a Western pulp fiction writer during the 1930s and 1940s. A goodly chunk of the book includes her grandfather's never-published-until-now memoir. Pulp Writer got a STARRED REVIEW from Booklist, and excellent reviews from L.A. Times and elsewhere. She's put up a great website ... right here. Check it out.